The White Earth Coordination Assessment Resources Education (WECARE) is a coordinated system of care that provides a holistic and effective way to link individuals and families on or near the reservation to the services they need using a client-centered approach. WECARE strengthens connections between primary care, home health, education, behavioral health, early childhood programs, and human services through a culturally grounded approach. WECARE is grounded in a two-generation (2Gen) approach that does not focus exclusively on either children or adults, but the family unit. The 2Gen approach aims to connect families to services which will assist them in obtaining their goals while implementing cultural strategies. Program Components
Access to WECARE, White Earth’s universal intake assessment can be completed that connects families to a wide range of services that address the social determinants of health.
To protect our community members from opioid misuse, WECARE has incorporated a linkage to care “Getting to Zero” approach. This approach provides a personal connection and helps community members access opioid related programs and services.
The Money Follows the Person Initiative enhances the availability of health coverage for individuals and families residing on the White Earth Reservation. Medical Benefit Advocate’s use holistic strategies to ensure health coverage barriers of participants are addressed and reduced.
Benefits to the Community The WECARE program’s main goal is to provide ease of access to programs and services on the White Earth Reservation and address health coverage participation.